From Chester County to Lancaster, what a difference 20 miles makes!

Lancaster County, is growing on me. I did used to miss the great food, shopping at stores that weren't walmart or an outlet of some kind and being close to my family. The Amish and their carriages seemed strange to me. As I travel to Chester County at least twice a week, I am reminded of their feeling of entitlement BMW & Mercedes SUVs. Trucks that look like they have never carried a single payload. You'll see this once you make it out of the inner city of Coatesville where the poorer people of Chesco have to live. There are violent crimes committed regularly in Coatesville, unemployment, substandard housing. That would be where I could afford live if I remained there. Instead I drive about 18 miles on 30 West where I rent an entire house with a yard for $650 a month. My daughter attends a brand new school with dedicated teachers. My children live in the middle of farmland and know all about animals. Sure, bad things happen out here too, Puppy Mills etc., but it is safer. and you are not constantly reminded of the wealth that you don't have. Is there a recession? You would not know it driving through West Bradford where I grew up. I give credit to the good people of Chesco. that fight to save open space. They must remember how wonderful it was to see woodland and horse farms. Chester County was a great place to grow up but as I grew I kept feeling as though I had moved to a different place as I watched the incessant developers slap up "Houses staring in the low $300's" along my favorite landscapes.

My Golden Retriever

My Golden Retriever

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Indigo Adults

I had a great 35th birthday, though I couldn't help but being amazed that is was ME that was turning 35! I had a wonderful dinner with my sisters and boyfriend and then we gambled about about $800 between everyone! I was winning but I sat down at one of those simulated table games after 2 beers, champagne and a nice big margarita! I ended up unknowingly betting away all but $30 of the $150 dollars I had on my ticket...what happened to the days when the machines spat out real cash! I am sure I am not the first tipsy to blow her money like that! I felt like a total idiot, especially because Mark (my boyfriend) witnessed it!

It was great to be out to dinner with my sister Kerry, she is a pretty, elegant lady. She perfectly accessorises each classy outfit outfit with just the right style of jewelry. She has no children but she has a Beautiful Chocolate Lab straight from an L.L Bean catalog. I wish I could be more like her.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Limitations of an Unscheduled Life

Why is it that I can never get anything done before 2:30 or 3'o clock? I am just not a morning person and then just as I get going it's time to pick up my daughter and make an early dinner for my boyfriend. Since he goes to work at 5 am & my daughter is always "starving" when she gets home,we usually eat by 4:30 in the afternoon.

So, this groggy morning time just ends up a waste unless I get up and shower right away...maybe
that is what I will start doing? I am terrible at time management & that has had a huge impact on my life.

I should enjoy this non-scheduled time, but I can't help but feel as though I waste it although I get the housework done & I keep an eye on my son, sometimes even successfully getting him to use the toilet. My son will start Pre-K this coming September, officially marking an end to an era that I am not quite sure what to name? The "Motherhood Rabbit Hole" comes to mind,as Uma Thurman calls the pre-schooler raising period in "Motherhood"-a great movie as well an an inspiration for my have Uma to thank! :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter....

I love Easter.  Especially when Easter is in April. In fact, I think April is my favorite month.  To me, nothing beats those neon green first shoots of grass, seeing that your perennials have survived another winter when you rake your garden on that first warm afternoon. Life is back.
Ironically...I found out about the death of a young Man over in Afghanistan yesterday.  I didn't know him but he was good friends with my nephew. They are in the same Platoon. It's scary to think how old men really belive that our bright, young kids can somehow rid the world of terrorism. Are any of these deaths justified as the war creeps into it's seventh year?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

About to do some thrift shopping....

I don't have much time today but I am about to do some thrift shopping at my favorite spot... Main Street in Ephrata, PA.  Re-Uzit and Abundant Treasures have an awesome selection-especially for kids.  I have yet to leave either store empty handed and I am pretty selective-I don't like a lot of closet clutter.
I don't have much time, I have to help with my daughter's egg hunt at 1:45-better get in gear!